Smart Edge Technologies LLC

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Smart Edge Technologies LLC
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About Us

We are in an incredible time right now where emerging technologies like IoT sensors, AI and blockchain open up new opportunities never accessible before. SET’s purpose is to partner with YOU to make these opportunities a reality in your business.

Retail Intelligent Technology (RIT) is a solution created by Smart Edge Technologies to enhance retail experience and efficiency. It is based on the newest technologies available (IoT Sensors, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Machine Learning Predictive Analysis and Augmented/Virtual Reality among others) that enable new information and actionable insights unavailable before. It is composed of 3 modules to better address the need of each retailer.

IOT Marketing Services
Smart Edge Technologies is bringing in the new era of marketing accessing the ‘connected consumer’ with incredible opportunities never accessible before.

Our Amazing Team
SET was formed on a common vision and purpose to transform the retail experience using emerging technologies to open up a new reality of possibilities only imagined before harnessing the new product – data. Our team is a collaboration of existing companies and unique talent from fortune 500 organizations with expertise in technologies like blockchain, AI and IoT sensors. We look forward to partnering with you to achieve your highest potential.

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