Novotek is an expert in connecting industrial equipment and machinery to the automation and IoT applications. With over 30 years of experience, we can help you with design and implementation for a fast and secure connection for today’s applications. Novotek is the largest PTC Kepware distributor in the world. Novotek has always built solutions for industrial applications that is used for 24×7 monitoring and controlling of both process industries and discrete manufacturing customers. We have supplied several IoT solutions to our customers based on PTC ThingWorx. Novotek is a local provider in Scandinavia, Benelux, and the UK, and can provide advisory, implementation and solution support in Industrial IoT business cases like Integration, OEE, MES, Operations Visualization, Maintenance, AR and Analytics.Novotek is a Kepware Preferred Distributor serving the following regions: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, and Sweden.
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