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About Us

Silicon valley company pioneering full-stack AI systems for accelerating business growth outcomes. Recognized leader in the rapid development and deployment of enterprise AI solutions by fully integrating hardware and software, and data. Full-stack AI system unifies the power of machine learning, machine vision, sensor fusion, embedded processors, robotics, and cybersecurity. The cross-disciplined team of industry practitioners, AI specialists, and Fortune 500 client partners are constantly innovating and deploying AI powered business solutions.

We help define and deploy high-value use cases in emerging intelligent ecosystems such as autonomous mobility, autonomous manufacturing, frictionless retail, and consumer-centric care. This path-breaking standup team accelerates nonlinear growth for each enterprise and disrupts every industry. The team has developed an unique method for modularizing key components of an AI system and enabling enterprise users with limited engineering background to quickly deploy their own AI applications.

ICURO made significant AI hardware investment in equipping the Silicon Valley Autonomous Technology Lab in Santa Clara, California with enterprise grade sensors, edge computing processors, GPUs, and robots. It offers an unique hands-on AI system infrastructure and industry use cases for both software and hardware engineers to become AI system specialists. Visit the affiliated page “Silicon Valley AI Systems Lab”​ for additional information or use this link

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